
Nothing to extraordinary happened today.
Uncle Dookie and I had a magnificent day together though. We went to Larne, to go to a little cafe he adored as a boy, which was thankfully still standing! We had twin fry-ups and he had his beer and I had some lemonade; freshly squeezed! We walked along the beach and he told me stories of his lost love Kara and how no matter how much he missed her he was happy that she has moved on and made a family of her own, something I wish for Dook. He's always travelling the world alone forgetting about his brothers and his cousins and his extended family. Which is rather sad, but he says he likes it so who am I to say otherwise?

Uncle Stephen is still in the hospital, though he moved to the private rooms up the road from me. Staying close to my mum, Jordan and I will be good for him, I've been to see him everyday this week for at least four hours at a time. Even if he's sleeping. I read to him or draw him a picture or leave him a letter so when he wakes up he knows I've been and talked. Even if he couldn't reply. Today, he was in particularly good spirits and even ate some of the cake Jordan had made and brought over for him. We decorated his room with various keepsakes he's kept in an old fashioned suit case which is just lovely these included; a signed picture of Keira Knightley, a metal horse and cart his father bought him, a couple of postcards from Dook, pictures of various films he loves, a few audiotapes etc. Then pictures and paintings on the walls as well as a few blankets to make the place seem nice and like his old place. It's horrid seeing him as skinny as he is, his refusal to eat baffles us all. But what can we do?

I've scraped my Short Film idea. I don't know. It doesn't seem right to think of such things during these hardships. But who knows, I may pick it up in a couple of months!

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